Friday, July 4, 2014

4th of July Barbeque

4th of July Barbeque

Barbeques are as much about the 4th of July as are the fireworks! And why not? A barbeque is a great way to feed a lot of people in a short amount of time and have fun while you do it! More than likely whatever is on the barbeque whether it is hot dogs, hamburgers, steak, chicken, or fish is NOT going to get you off track if you are losing or maintaining your weight…it is the other foods at the barbeque!
Happy Birthday America!

If You Are in Charge of the Barbeque

Hosting the barbeque means you have a little more control over the options but you also want to have a lot of the foods that most people are expecting as well. No one wants to go to a barbeque where Kale salad is the only side dish. On page 117 of my book TimerDiet if give you a few ideas such as beans, corn on the cobb, or green beans. Tossed green salad along with the more traditional salads like macaroni and potato makes for a variety for people to choose from.

Bun or NO Bun

I also tell you how to get more of your barbeque foods on your plate and less bun or NO bun! More than likely if you are having a hot dog or hamburger you will want a bun, so what can you do? But the bun in half and then cut the hot dog or hamburger in half and then double it on one half of the bun. Easy way to reduce your bun intake but still enjoy! And your bun to barbeque ratio just got so much tastier!

Barbeque Desserts

The best dessert for a summer barbeque is hands down “Watermelon!” Nothing says a summer barbeque more than watermelon, if you want something a little more rich then make some homemade ice cream! If you want a workout while doing it use the old crank kind, we did as kids and it was actually fun!!!

Pace Yourself

You probably have several hours to enjoy yourself. So don't over do it right away. Pace yourself and allow yourself to go have some fun and then come back if you are still hungry...this is the biggest secret of all...
Sherri Sue Fisher, author of TimerDiet and just released last week TimerOrganizer—Available now in paperback at

Check them both out on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest!



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Thanks for sharing your comments. I can't wait to read them! Sherri Sue Fisher