Sunday, December 28, 2014

New Years Resolutions

New Years Resolutions

So here is comes again, those New Year’s Resolutions that you are so excited to make and even more hopeful to keep, and in the end you find that some of them were just too hard to do every day. It is the Pass/Fail mentality that makes New Year’s Resolutions so doomed that some of us never even make them. Let’s look at changes that can be made throughout the year using Timer®Tips!


Wouldn’t it be nice if this was the year that you had everything organized; your time, your projects, your belongings, and most importantly your life! It is possible, if you know what is important to you! What are your values? What do want to accomplish: today, tomorrow, this week, this month, this year, in the next few years, in your lifetime? Is what you are spending your time on right now consistent with what you want to accomplish? If it is then relax and realize that sometimes steps in the right direction are better than lots of action in the wrong direction. If it is not, STOP, step back and decide what is truly important and make adjustments. Remember it is a journey, one that is meant to be looked back on and remembered with joy, even though not every moment may be joyful.


The New Year is a good time to define what financial goals you want to achieve during the New Year. Again, this is not a pass/fail situation. It is a life style thing. How do you want your life to look? Is where you are currently working or the business you run bringing in the amount of money that you envisioned during this time in your journey? If not, decide what you can do to get your vision and your reality on the same track. While I don’t think that adhering to a strict budget is the best way to live life, I do believe that you need to know what your basic expenses are that you have to expend each month no matter what and then decide how much you have left over and then divide it up between discretionary spending, savings, and giving. Most people have the goal of spending what they get, and just as the universe would be expected to behave, they spend what they get. You must change your plan or you will have the same as you have in the past and for some that may mean financial struggles.


What would New Year’s Resolutions be without looking at our overall health and how we feel about our bodies? It is so important to feel good about how you look and feel and it is even more important to take care of your body so you have the best chance for good health. How do you want your body to look like (really…not society)? Do you have any goals that you can look forward to that can help you get to the weight that you want to get to? It may seem like a good idea to have a buddy or accountability partner but it is not. The reason and motivation to lose weight needs to be yours and not someone else pushing you. If you aren’t sure about my philosophy on Why Diets Do NOT Work, go to my website and request Chapter 2 and have it sent to you free to understand all the problems that “dieting” can create when you really thought you were doing everything right.  

Sherri Sue Fisher author of TimerDIET, TimerORGANIZER, and to be released in Spring 2015 TimerSAVINGS


Sunday, December 14, 2014


Timer® Tips

The Holidays

The holidays can be a fun, magical, eventful, happy time of year…they can also be stressful, guilt ridden, and a financially difficult time of year as well. So here are some great idea’s to get you through the holidays this year.


Know ahead of time which foods are “not in your best interest” decide ahead of time whether you are going to have one of this or none of this, or maybe two. Just decide ahead of time so you are not caught having to make a decision on the spot. Remember to always eat well-balanced meals throughout the day. So when you do decide to have something that is a little sugary it does not send you off into a tailspin of the Sugar High, which will eventually become the sugar crash.

Remember your drinks during this time of year can also be a source of unnecessary calories and sugar.  Treat sugary drinks just like you would dessert. Make sure you have eaten a well-balanced meal before, during, or right after having a sugary drink. And if you don’t know my stance on sugar substitutes, they are a NO-NO-NO! If you want something that is sweet, regular sugar is the best.
Don’t forget daily exercise and if you are doing a lot of shopping, then you are in luck, all the walking and carrying bags counts!! Just remember to get 30 minutes in everyday!!


The holidays are a great time to organize your past and get ready for your future. The Christmas decorations are the perfect place to sort through what to keep and what to throw out (or keep in a special place for sentimental reasons). Making room for the upcoming presents by giving away what you and your family no longer use, is also a great holiday tradition to get started with this year. We have many things that we do not use or need, there are others who would make better use of what we do not. So take this time during the holidays to see what you really need and give away what you do not.

Organizing your time is crucial during the holidays. Along with your daily life now you need to add in parties, shopping, and so much more. Take your calendar right now and make sure that everything you can possibly think of is properly written down in your calendar with the exact times and addresses. If the addresses are new to you get directions and save them so that you can easily retrieve them when it is time to go. (I like to email them to myself) Don’t forget to schedule time for you, and/or the family and friends. The holidays are so chaotic that taking in something like a movie or dinner with friends can be just what is needed to get some balance back. Schedule your days the way you want and understand they might not turn out exactly how you had planned, but they have a better chance if you are really specific with your intentions.


Budget, budget, budget. I cannot stress this enough. Know how much you really want and need to spend on the holidays and don’t forget the little things like the extra tipping, office holiday gifts, additional meals out, a pretty dress for that special party, cooking dinner, decorations. There are a lot of costs that go into the holidays. Having a budget will help you in deciding what is really necessary and what is not. Some families pick names and then buy that one person a really nice set of gifts. Others put a limit on the adult’s gifts and then others try for a more personal touch and make their gifts. (A coupon book of things you will do for another is a great idea for a free gift idea—some have gotten pretty creative with this, like “Giving in on an argument”, “saying I’m sorry when I don’t feel like it”, drawing a bubble bath, and then of course the traditional, “back rub” is always nice. Whatever the gift the thought and sentiment should be what is given and received.

Happy Holidays!!

Sherri Sue Fisher, author of:

TimerDIET 2nd Edition #7 on Amazon E-books in Health, Fitness & Dieting/Personal Health/Women’s Health—November 10th 2014

TimerORGANIZER #5 on Amazon E-books in Business & Money/Business Life/Time Management—October 25th 2014

TimerSAVINGS due out Spring of 2015

Saturday, December 6, 2014


Timer® Tips Dreams

Today we are talking about dreams, those that we think we should have, those that we want, and those we don’t dare to dream.


If you have ever dreamt of being a little smaller, a little more fit, or get to the point where food is no longer an issue: I know what it is like to feel like those kind of dreams are just not possible, until one day almost six years ago, I said enough is enough and made a plan to “make it happen” I wasn’t going to take NO for an answer. I knew I could make lasting changes that in the end would get me to my weight loss goals. Now my goals are more of fitness and body muscle. I am in my 50’s and I want to make sure I take care of my body as best I can. I exercise daily and strive to include weight bearing exercises into my routine. I could say that I am too old, it’s not possible, or I could say…every day is another day to make a goal and keep it!! You will feel so much better once you are at your comfort weight!!


Time is something we all value. Time is money, you have more than likely heard that saying before. In some ways it is more valuable than money. You can always earn more money, but you cannot earn more time. You must be vigilant with your time and be sure not to squander it. Your dreams depend on you accounting for your time in a way that moves you toward your dreams. Do we go through the days dealing with crisis and not tending to the things that could make our dreams come true and minimize the occurrence of crisis? Even if you promised yourself to spend 15 minutes a day working on your dream, do you realize that would be over 90 hours in a year? Try it—schedule 15 minutes each day this week to work on your dream. Figure out what it will take to make it happen!


This section is dedicated to my step-father who passed away this last week. My mom and he met and married after me and my sisters had all grown up and we had moved out of the house. But, even though he entered our lives much later in life he was very much a part of our family vacations and holidays over the last 30 years. I remember this one vacation/holiday during Christmas in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida when my step-father told my oldest grandson: “Dream big and believe, focus on the yacht and someday it will be yours” My grandson had just mentioned how he would love a yacht someday. It would have been easy to say, ‘oh that will never happen’ or ‘you don’t want a yacht do you?’ But, instead my step-father made my grandson feel his dream had validity and if he really wanted it, it could happen.

When it comes to money be sure to: 1) Spend it on what you need and sometimes on what you want, 2) Save some for peace of mind and the dreams of your future, and 3) Give some to those less fortunate. All of these things need to be done with your money—today! Not tomorrow, not when things get better, not….whatever you are thinking. Do them now and you will feel so much better.

So dream big, make a plan, and make it happen!!

Sherri Sue Fisher, author of:

TimerDIET 2nd Edition #7 on Amazon E-books in Health, Fitness & Dieting/Personal Health/Women’s Health—November 10th 2014

TimerORGANIZER #5 on Amazon E-books in Business & Money/Business Life/Time Management—October 25th 2014

TimerSAVINGS due out Spring of 2015