Friday, June 27, 2014

TimerOrganizer is on Amazon TODAY!!

Today's Blog is a little cross pollination!! TimerOrganizer, my 2nd book was released TODAY check it out on 

See the Table of Contents:

Introduction                                                                x

 PART I - The Who, What, and Why!?

Chapter 1 - Do I Really Need to Be Organized?       1

Chapter 2 - If Being Organized is So Good for Me,
     Why is it So Hard?                                     7

I Want Everything Organized!    

     Why is Getting Organized So Hard?  

     So Am I Lazy?

     Isn’t Having a Clean House

      the Same as Being Organized?        

Doesn’t Everyone Want to be Organized?         

What is the End Goal of Being Organized?        

Chapter 3 - Before You Start Organizing      19

What is Important to You?          

Why is it Important to You? And, is it Still?        

Different Phases in Life  

What Would Your Perfect Day be Right Now?   

What is Reality?  

Unintended Consequences         

Write Down Your Goals 

Personal Goals   

Having It All       

Hold Off Just a Little Longer      

Weekly Assessment Worksheet    

Chapter 4 - Go Ahead and Get Started—
          Let’s Organize (Not Really!)    37

It Seemed Like the Right Thing at the Time        

It Can’t Be Done?!         

To Do Lists vs. I Did it Lists!      


Paper vs. Plastic 

In the Morning and Before Bed  

Train Yourself to Deal with Interruptions Well   

Be Able to Switch Gears Often

   and Without Hesitation

Use Pockets of Time to Your Advantage

You Do Not Feel You Deserve to

   Take a Break or Have Fun      

Doing Things You Want to Do Takes Less Time—

   Than Doing Things You Don’t Want To Do    

Take Small Steps Some Days and Leaps on Others       
Chapter 5 - When it ALL Goes Backwards! 53

Was it Really That Important?    

Perhaps it Was Important and Now it is Not      

Intentional Chaos

I Can’t Remember          

But It’s Free        




Giving Up           


PART II - The Specifics of Where, When, and How!?

Chapter 6 - Organizing Belongings   81

Decide on Your Idea of Perfection         

  The Bedrooms, Bathrooms, and Closets          

     Clothing Closets         


     Bathroom Towels and Linen Closets 

   Collections that Have Run Their Course         

The Kitchen        


     Going Through the Pantry     

     Refrigerator and Freezer       


     Refrigerator and Freezer Maintenance          

The Kids and Puppies (and Cats, too?)

   Children’s Rooms, Play Areas, and Pet Toys  

     Toy Boxes       

     To Go Bags for Kids  

     Pet Toys         

Other Various Home Organizational Needs      

     Holiday Organization


     Moving and Storage   

     Avoid the Garage Sales—Unless You Can Handle…

     Legal Documents (Personal) 

     Personal Documents Which Have

                   Past the Statute of Limitations          


     Replace it or Forget About it?

   Organizing Belongings in Summary    

Chapter 7 - Organizing Time (The Heart of the Matter)      115







Sucking Up Time

Scheduling Others          



Organizing Time in Summary    

Chapter 8 - Daily Timesheets--
 (Don't Worry You Won’t Need to do These Everyday)        141

Narrative of the Daily Timesheet


Daily Timesheet  

PART III - Specialty Areas

Chapter 9 - Organizing Electronics   157

If You Are Creating a Whole New File Structure

Organizing E-mails        

Statute of Limitations for Electronic Documents



Software Programs and Hardware        

Security Questions          

Networking and Wi-Fi    

Organizing Electronics in Summary       

Chapter 10 - Organizing Offices        191


Home Office       

Breaking Your Files into Quadrants       

Cubicles and Shared Office Space          

Home but Not an Office  

Scanners, Shredders, and Facsimiles     

Important Legal Documents       

Both Home and Office Ideas      

Labels for Year End        

Year End Cleaning         

Labeling Your Files for Storage 

Filing Your Information  

What to Keep on Your Desk       

Scanning Documents      

Organizing Large Stacks of Papers        

At the End of Each Day  

Take a Video       

Organizing Offices in Summary 

Chapter 11 - Organizing Projects      213

Projects In General        

What Makes a Good Plan?         

Realistic Time Expectations        

Time Commitments When Others Report to You

Time Commitments When Others Do NOT Report to You         

Putting your plan into place when it’s just you
           (or you are part of the bigger project)  

What About When YOU Get Off Track? 

Breaks and Mini-breaks  

Stress During a Project  

Celebrate Your Accomplishments           


  Events You May Not Think of as Projects         


Dinner Parties    

Holiday and Christmas Shopping           

Organizing Projects in Summary

Chapter 12 - Organizing Travel         235

Creating an Itinerary      

Airline Travel      

Cruise Line Travel          

Driving Travel    

Cosmetics and Toiletries 

Where to Eat Breakfast? 

Trash and Receipts         

Organizing Travel in Summary  

In Conclusion - Now That You are Organized         249
Buy NOW!!

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Do Not Exercise to Lose Weight!?

Do Not Exercise to Lose Weight!?

Haven’t we all been told we need to exercise—to lose weight? Or exercise to—stay in shape! Or exercise to—get our figures back? While these are all well intentioned statements they do not seem to really hold the key as to why we—MUST exercise!

Exercise for YOU!

We MUST Exercise

We really need to exercise for so many reasons, but to lose weight is really not one of them. I recently had gotten into a tiff with my sister and when I got off the phone the first thing I thought to do was to get on the treadmill and listen to my iPod! Why? Not to lose weight, not even because it was on my to do list for the day. But because I inherently know that when I am stressed that getting on the treadmill for 20–30 minutes will make me feel better. I don’t even need to sit down and look at my alternatives, I just go to the gym or walk around the block and try to clear my head (of the drama!! Sorry Sis!!)

Daily Exercise is Also a MUST

We often hear well-meaning people say to workout 3–4 times a week, as if that is some magic number to keep you in shape. But here is the number you want to go for “7”. Each day your body needs to move and lift and expend energy! Every day, not just a few times a week. Everything that is important to keep you alive needs to be done every day, think about it: brushing your teeth, eating, voiding your bladder and bowels, breathing…you get the idea. Exercise needs to be in the daily category, not the, “When I can fit it in category.”

When Should You NOT Exercise?

As always there are exceptions to every rule: If you are truly exhausted to the point that you could injure yourself (I recommend laying down in bed and lightly stretching—if you have never done stretching before, learn some basic stretches so that you are stretching properly), or if you are sick and need your rest (but again stretching may be an option…), and also if you are recovering from physical injury then of course ask your doctor what course of action to take when it comes to your physical exertion, but more than likely they want you up and going a little bit, too.

So Why NOT Exercise to Lose Weight?

Maybe I should have started with this, but then maybe not…the truth is: If you look at exercise as a way to lose weight you will have a tendency to consider exercise as a swap of calories for food. Meaning it would become all too easy to say, “I don’t have time to exercise today—I will just skip the latte or dessert.” No, no, no! You cannot swap out exercise for a reduction in eating! Ever, never, ever!!!
Sherri Sue Fisher, author of TimerDiet and soon to be released (in just days—really we are down to hours) TimerOrganizer




Saturday, June 14, 2014

Eat Butter

Eat Butter

Eat butter is the newest and latest scientific study reported by: Bryan Walsh in Time Magazine in its article “Eat Butter.” dated June 23, 2014 to come out and actually be in favor of what I wrote in my last book TimerDIET, where on page #33 I specifically say,

“Butter is as basic as it gets—salt and cream—just two basic ingredients combined together to make an amazing thing called butter. I use it every day! I think butter gets a bad reputation because…”

Well you should really read everything I have to say on the subject and that of eating well-balanced in general.

Butter is NOT the enemy

What Do We Eat?

Of course no one (not yet anyway) is recommending that you live your life on butter alone, even though I am sure there is going to be a surge in the buying of butter, which is sad for those of us who have been using it all along and seeing the price steadily increase over the last few months. But, I have digressed…sorry! You should eat a well-balanced diet and that means (in my opinion) to include dietary fat, protein, and carbohydrates with each and every meal. So that means if you have fruit (carbs) then you need dietary fat and protein, perhaps cheese or maybe a hard-boiled egg. I personally love tomatoes, green onions and a hard-boiled egg. But, then I also love some wine and cheese (the perfect pairing in my world!)

What Not to Eat?

I am going to go out on a limb here and say, “Do NOT eat a stick of butter!” I know it is harsh and very definitive, but don’t do it. It won’t help you lose weight and it won’t make you feel very good either. Don’t eat foods that you cannot control yourself with. I rarely eat potato chips since for me it is true, I can’t eat just one…what a declarative statement if there was one. The slogan is a warning. Don’t eat to the point of feeling full. Yes, this is what I talked about last week in my blog, “The One Thing.” But it deserves repeating. If you are full, you ate too much, just relax and write down why you think you ate too much and then as they say, “try, try again”. Learning to eat the right amount of food FOR YOU, takes a little trial and error, but once you learn your ‘sweet-spot’, you will find losing weight and keeping it off simpler than you imagined.

So here is to all of you that are going to the store right now and buying butter, I am glad you now know it is not the enemy, but I hope the price doesn’t soar because of this!

Sherri Sue Fisher, author of TimerDiet

And to be released very, very soon TimerOrganizer!


Friday, June 6, 2014

The One Thing

The One Thing

Daily Exercise
I get asked this question often, “What is the ‘One Thing’ that you need to do to lose weight. I used to dread this question since there isn’t just “One Thing.”  But I know people want to know the gist of what my book is about and I get that.

I used to be vague

I would say it is more about a lifestyle change to which I got a little bit of “I don’t think so” looks. No one really wants to change their lifestyle, especially if they can’t visualize what it will look like.

So then I tried being more specific

I decided to give them the premise in a few short sentences: “Well, you want to eat a well-balanced diet that consists of dietary fat, protein, and carbohydrates at each and every meal so you don’t over eat. And be sure to exercise every day in order to keep your appetite steady. Then I would feel bad that I didn’t tell them to eat eggs for breakfast whenever possible and cheese and crackers before bed if they are hungry and everything else that is in the 250 pages of my book that will help them achieve success. But their eyes were already glazed over with the ‘too much information’ look.

But, then I would think…

Drink plenty of water

Why don’t they just read the book? There are so many diet books out there and I don’t blame someone if they feel oh this is just another book telling me I have to change my entire way of living and eat bean sprouts and wheat grass, stop drinking wine and eating white bread (I don’t have any of those restrictions or ideas in my book, by the way) But, I get it, how do you know for sure? You don’t. Until you read the entire book from beginning to end you won’t know all there is to losing the weight and keeping it off. The mindset and thought process along the way are key in losing weight, yet cannot be explained in coffee banter.
Get plenty of sleep

I hope you try it

Really the only way to explain it is to read it and try it. It will change the way you look at food and exercise and how to enjoy your life. So to those who read the entire book and understand now all that goes into really losing weight on your own terms making your own rules and keeping the weight off once you have figured out your best weight for you—Thank you!

Thank you for believing in me that I would give you great advice that you could use and more importantly want to use.

And to those who are not ready and yet want to know the “One Thing”

So you still want to know the “One Thing” to do to lose weight, I would say this, “be sure to stop eating at the point you are no longer hungry—if you need to eat again because you got hungry again, go for it!” Learn to NOT like the feeling of being full and embrace satisfied. It is all about trial and error and listening to your body.

Bon appétit

Sherri Sue Fisher, author of TimerDiet
Available in Hardback, paperback, e-book, and audio book