Friday, April 25, 2014

Earth Week

Earth Week

The week from April 16 to April 22 we celebrated Earth Week, but did you know this holiday has been around for decades? In fact 1970 it was created to help bring awareness to the Earth’s environment. Yes, before many of us were even born (not me I’m a boomer baby), people have said to be concerned about the Earth. But, what have we done to help? What did we resign ourselves to do differently this last week?
It seems over the decades we have allowed convenience to rule before conservation. Sometimes, it is not really our fault, we have been told that doing things differently would help the environment when in fact they did not—plastic bags. However, we cannot overlook our increasing desire for easier over Mother Earth—bottled water. We have been given some ideas to help like plant our own garden or recycle everything from boxes, paper, and electronics. Are we doing so even when it is not convenient?  Is it enough? Is it helping?
I think in theory we all want to not harm the environment, but I don’t think we truly know what our actions are doing to the environment. Also, we aren’t sure how to measure the positive impact we may or may not have on Earth by doing what we feel are the right things to do.

Sorry, no answers this week…just a lot of questions…

Sherri Sue Fisher, author of TimerDiet and to be released in June of 2014 TimerOrganizer

Friday, April 18, 2014

How to Eat When the Choices are Out of Your Control

Last Minute Plans to Go Out vs. Being in Control of the Dining Options

Especially when we are losing weight we want as much of our choices in dinning to be in our control as possible. But, this is not always the case. There are family gatherings, date nights, business lunch and dinner meetings, and so many other times when we don’t have a lot of say in our menus and/or the timing!

If You Know You Are Going Out vs. When You Don’t


Knowing ahead of time that there is a designated meal time is of great help when deciding how to plan the meals prior to and afterwards. If you are going to dinner at 7:00PM then be sure that you have taken into account whether you anticipate a wait time to be seated, whether there will be a business meeting prior to ordering, or possibly cocktails. I normally would have something like a small piece of cheese about one hour prior to the dining arrival time. This allows me to be sure that I am not famished when the food arrives or that I don’t eat the entire bread basket if that is all there is for the first half-hour. Sometimes the decision to go out is very last minute! You may be tempted to say no thanks, but don’t!! Your losing weight should not mean the end of your impromptu socialization. Just decide how much you really need to eat, keep it lean if you ate recently and embrace leftovers!

If You Don’t Know the Restaurant vs. When You Do


If we know the restaurant we probably have already scoped out the best options for us and have an idea what to order that will keep us on track. But, what if we have no idea where we are going until we get there? More than likely there is something that will work. Look for words like seared, broiled, and grilled, and avoid words like breaded, crusted, and fried. If you aren’t sure how something is prepared based on the description, ask the waiter and let them know you are interested in something with minimal sauces and preparation.

Appetizer vs. No Appetizer


It depends on how long it will be before you are going to have dinner and also what appetizer choices you have available to you. If your choices are fried mozzarella sticks or chili fries I would skip the appetizer and go straight for a salad to start you off. But, if you are going to be talking a bit before ordering dinner then my favorite appetizer is some sort of fish, beef, or chicken, with minimal preparedness.

Dessert vs. No Dessert

This is tricky in that if you are out to celebrate an anniversary or birthday of course you are going to want something. Perhaps sharing something is an option. Avoid the whip cream type desserts and stick with the more substantive like ice cream, dense chocolate cake, or crème brulee. But again, share with someone else and eat only what you feel comfortable eating.

Have Fun!! (There is no vs. no fun!!)


Above all, enjoy the time out whatever the occasion is. Your goal is to not overeat! Plain and simple if you avoid overeating that is more than half the battle. Embrace your leftovers and make a plan to eat them the next day. This will allow you to only eat what you truly feel comfortable eating in the moment.
Sherri Sue Fisher, author of TimerDiet



Friday, April 11, 2014

Beware of the Freebies!

Tax Day Freebies

Every year during tax time there are freebies abundant on April 15th. While this may seem fun, it can also add weight to your waistline for sure. Remember just because something is free does not mean it will not have an impact on your waistline. I did find one freebie on April 15th that is quite useful—Office depot is offering to shred up to 5 pounds of tax records through April 29th with the use of this coupon.

Free Foods to Taste at the Grocery Store

We have all seen them, especially on the weekends! You walk into your favorite grocery store or club store and they want you to try this and try that (some is alcohol, too!) Part of you is curious and the other doesn’t want the person to feel bad by saying, “No.” But, remember you must think about your goals and what you are trying to achieve. Perhaps what they are offering is something that would be good for you at the time if you are a little hungry and it is well-balanced. Each instance is different, but whatever you do don’t eat something out of guilt that you will make someone feel bad for saying no, nor because you just want something for free!

The Buy One Get One Free

This gets me so upset when I see it in the grocery stores. It is not a sale price of an item, it is “forcing” you to take more than what you want or need to feel like you got a deal. Then you end up letting the extra go to waste or eat more than you should because you don’t want it to go to waste. This is especially true with produce items, when you end up with so much “free” produce that is just goes to waste. My solution is to check with your neighbors and see if they want it or even give to someone in need as soon as you leave the store. I have actually, only taken the one item since I knew I would just waste the second free one.
So during this tax day on April 15th as the freebies abound and all throughout the year think about what you really want and need and not so much about whether it is free.
Sherri Sue Fisher, author of TimerDiet

   and coming soon TimerOrganizer

    Social Media for TimerOrganizer will begin April 15, 2014





Friday, April 4, 2014

Get Off of the Bandwagon (Now it’s the Salt Bandwagon!)

Salt is OK—Now?!

So if you haven’t heard the research that came out this week, it is now OK to use the salt. Not only is it OK, according to the research not using the salt could be detrimental to your health. Is your head spinning? Well that could be because of the bandwagon effect. We hear that something is good, bad, harmful, super-food, or whatever the latest terminology is and we seek to believe it. We want to believe it. We want guidance, especially when it comes to our health and something we have some control over.

Research Can Be Conflicting

If you have been around long enough you have heard all of the conflicting research that says all of these foods are BAD and GOOD for you:
Butter, red wine, chocolate, coffee, eggs, grains, red-meat, turkey, salt, et al.
So what is the truth? That really depends upon you! If you have certain physical ailments that require you to avoid or to have any food then you need to work within those confines. But, if you don’t have any physical ailment, no specific risk, ask your doctor, but more than likely you don’t need to worry so much about avoiding foods that appear to be natural, have been around for decades, nor do you need to overindulge in foods that are considered super-foods.
Salt is OK again!
Salt is OK again!

Aim for a Well-Balanced Diet

You want to aim for a well-balanced diet. Include everything that you can; include fruits and vegetables of all kinds not just the most popular. Include all meats red and white, and fish. Some grains are also important to include in your daily diet, eating the grains you like are fine. In other words, if you like white bread fine! Freshly made bread is the better option (from the bakery department—not necessarily homemade). If you like wine, a glass or two will not prevent you from losing weight or maintaining.

Make all decisions based on you not the bandwagon!
 Sherri Sue Fisher, author of TimerDiet