Friday, April 4, 2014

Get Off of the Bandwagon (Now it’s the Salt Bandwagon!)

Salt is OK—Now?!

So if you haven’t heard the research that came out this week, it is now OK to use the salt. Not only is it OK, according to the research not using the salt could be detrimental to your health. Is your head spinning? Well that could be because of the bandwagon effect. We hear that something is good, bad, harmful, super-food, or whatever the latest terminology is and we seek to believe it. We want to believe it. We want guidance, especially when it comes to our health and something we have some control over.

Research Can Be Conflicting

If you have been around long enough you have heard all of the conflicting research that says all of these foods are BAD and GOOD for you:
Butter, red wine, chocolate, coffee, eggs, grains, red-meat, turkey, salt, et al.
So what is the truth? That really depends upon you! If you have certain physical ailments that require you to avoid or to have any food then you need to work within those confines. But, if you don’t have any physical ailment, no specific risk, ask your doctor, but more than likely you don’t need to worry so much about avoiding foods that appear to be natural, have been around for decades, nor do you need to overindulge in foods that are considered super-foods.
Salt is OK again!
Salt is OK again!

Aim for a Well-Balanced Diet

You want to aim for a well-balanced diet. Include everything that you can; include fruits and vegetables of all kinds not just the most popular. Include all meats red and white, and fish. Some grains are also important to include in your daily diet, eating the grains you like are fine. In other words, if you like white bread fine! Freshly made bread is the better option (from the bakery department—not necessarily homemade). If you like wine, a glass or two will not prevent you from losing weight or maintaining.

Make all decisions based on you not the bandwagon!
 Sherri Sue Fisher, author of TimerDiet


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Thanks for sharing your comments. I can't wait to read them! Sherri Sue Fisher