Sunday, February 8, 2015

Schedule IT

Schedule IT

When you think about your life, do you think things happen the way they happen or do you plan the way things happen? If you don’t plan your days do they happen the way you hoped? Did you even hope your day would go in any particular way? Do you wake up and say this is my intention for the day? Add a little gratefulness that you have a day to contemplate and make the way you want and then start the day with some intention and momentum!


Make your plan to be wise in your purchases. Schedule your payments so they are automatically paid timely. Avoiding unnecessary late fees or NSF is a great savings that is nothing more than scheduling your finances. Schedule your expenses and know what you really need to actually survive and what you have as discretionary income. Most of us have some money at the end of the week, however we make decisions during the week that leave us without much to show for it. So each time you spend money, ask yourself, “Will I be happy 3 months from now that I made this purchase or will I even remember it?” Not all purchases need to be memorable, however, too many of them are just made without even thinking.


Knowing what you are going to eat and when is the best scheduling activity you can do for yourself. Make sure that you eat often, about every 3 hours, but the most important thing is to schedule it. Put a reminder in your phone to ask yourself if you are hungry. Figure out your menu’s and plan for a well-balanced meal each and every time you eat. Of course don’t forget to schedule your exercise daily. Everyday plan to get 30 minutes of exercise. Put a reminder in your calendar and just plan on making it part of your daily routine. You will feel so much better! Do it for stress relief, to make you feel better, whatever you do—don’t do it because you think you need to lose weight!


You’ve heard it before—if you schedule your time you will get more done, but have you thought about the confidence that you get from being scheduled and sticking to your schedule. It is as if you have a dozen mini goals every day and you achieve them and suddenly your self-confidence improves. Scheduling your time allows you to decide each day—What is important?
If you have never been on a schedule try it for a day, then a week, and if you like it and find you get more out of each day keep it up. Break up your day into no more than 2 hour blocks of time and remind yourself to take short 5 minute breaks once an hour. Ironically this will not break your momentum, it will actually give you a boost of making a goal and succeeding!!

Sherri Sue Fisher, author of TimerDIET, TimerORGANIZER, and Coming Soon TimerSAVINGS

Sunday, February 1, 2015


So it is February 1, 2015 and many of you made resolutions or set goals for the New Year and probably many of you got a little sidetracked on those goals and resolutions…why? Isn’t it easier to deal with the critical, the immediate, the in your face issues than it is to work on those issues that would be “nice” to work on but don’t appear to be so critical. But maybe your goals are more critical than you think—they were important enough to make them, weren’t they? Here are some ideas to get you back on track...


Make Your Menus
Weight loss, whether through diet or exercise changes are number one for New Year’s resolutions and goals, and they are the easiest to get side tracked on. Why? Partly because we don’t manage our time wisely, but probably because we don’t plan for a realistic day. Somehow we think we will have 30 minutes several times a day to make a healthy nutritious meals, an hour and half to run and weight lift and we will never ever be tempted to stray from our plan!? Not true—any of it! Sometimes you will have 1 minute to find something to eat, and you need to be prepared with easy to eat 1 minute meals, and 5 minutes, 15 minutes and if you are really lucky and have an entire 30 minutes then great make something more extravagant. The same with working out—if you can find 20 minute pockets of time to work out you will be further ahead than those who wait until they have an entire hour to hour and a half that they can devote to working out! You can work out several times a day and incorporate other activities into your work out like watching something you normally would do sitting down.


Get Your Finances Under Control
Getting a handle on your finances in the New Year (especially after the holidays have just ended) can seem futile. But remember it is not where you are that matters as much as where you are headed. You can make changes right now as to where you are going with your finances. Have you gone through all of your monthly expenses to make sure you are in the right product? Unused data, channels you never watch, deductibles you never use, warranties that don’t make sense, magazines you never read…question everything see if you can get a refund or reduce your future monthly spending! Then look at your discretionary spending and see if you feel you are making wise decisions. You should be able to save money and have some for discretionary spending, if not you need to think of ways to increase your ability to make money. There are amazing ideas coming out daily—you probably have one inside you right now!


Keep Your Plans Sacred!
The master of sidetracking is time management. Keep a piece of paper next to you (computer/app if you must) but every time you realize you have gotten sidetracked—write it down! Right as soon as you notice and then the approximate time spent. At the end of the day, look at your list of things to do that you did not get done and look at your sidetracked list and ask yourself—was this the best use of my time today?

Sherri Sue Fisher author of TimerDIET, TimerORGANIZER, and TimerSAVINGS
