Saturday, May 31, 2014




Do you have any conferences coming up? It seems like summer is the time for conferences so you can combine some fun with some education. Sounds like a great idea! But if you don’t think about what you are eating, need to eat, and options available to you it can spell disaster for your waistline!

What to Bring to a Conference

Beef jerky and individual packages of shelled nuts are easy to bring and snack on if needed and will last all day long. But, what about your beverages? Water, water, and more water!!! Coffee in the morning is fine, but once you are ready to move on to something cooler, it needs to be water and even more water. Conferences are long and can be tiring, keeping hydrated will not only be good for your body it will also help keep you alert. Whereas if you are drinking sugary drinks (or even sugar substitutes) you will feel sluggish.

If You Don’t Believe Me

Take one day and drink your normal sugary drinks (only if this is what you normally do) and then once an hour write down how you feel during the afternoon. Then on a completely different day do not have any sugary drinks and then around NOON change over to water for the afternoon and also keep track of how you feel every hour for the afternoon. (See I told you!!)

Make Wise Food Choices

Sometimes when you are at a conference you are responsible for buying lunch from food vendors and other times lunch is provided. More than likely there will be well-balanced options if you look hard enough. Even when the lunch is provided, you don’t have to eat all the mashed potatoes, bread rolls, AND dessert. You can either have a little of each or a normal amount of one, and then be sure to get some dietary fat and protein into your meal!

You can do it!!!

Sherri Sue Fisher, author of TimerDiet







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Thanks for sharing your comments. I can't wait to read them! Sherri Sue Fisher