Saturday, October 11, 2014


Diet Plans Where You are Accountable to Someone Else May Backfire!

We hear about having an accountability partner and be accountable to someone else for your diet plan. Is this really working? I can’t imagine asking my best friend to tell me to my face when they think I am screwing up and being “happy” about them telling me. Let’s even go to a worst case scenario. Your friend is also losing weight and by all accounts is being perfect and losing weight faster than you. Now you have your best friend on your case and losing weight faster than you are. Will this motivate you? Or make you give up and say, “I just don’t want to play this game anymore!”?

So try these new rules for being accountable to you and only YOU:

1.      Do not tell anyone that you are planning on losing weight
2.      Keep a journal of what you ate so you can learn how certain foods affect you
3.      Always do things that you love to do
4.      Never create a reward system for reaching your weight loss goals
5.      Keep a journal of your exercise progress, see how much you are able to increase in time and weight, it is exciting!

Diets and weight loss plans are all over the place right now and it can be a little overwhelming. Just remember that you have the power to lose the weight you want within you! Keep your friends for fun, sad times, and someone to talk with. 

Sherri Sue Fisher, author of TimerDiet and TimerOrganizer

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Thanks for sharing your comments. I can't wait to read them! Sherri Sue Fisher