Friday, July 25, 2014

Don't Let Anyone...

Don’t Let Anyone…

Don’t let anyone decide for you what to eat, when to eat, or how much to eat. So many times we look to someone else to give us the “magic” formula as to what, when, and how much to eat so that we will lose weight. But it doesn’t really work that way, “Why?” you may ask…because you need to learn what is best for you in all cases, at all times. Otherwise you will never have lasting results when it comes to your weight loss. And isn’t weight maintenance the final and ultimate goal?

What Do You Do?

Learn to listen to your body and learn based on trial and error. Learn to listen to your body when you eat and realize when you are close to being full…STOP before then! You want to feel satisfied, NOT FULL. You want to try stopping earlier than you usually do and see how long it takes for you to be hungry again. Be sure to write down what you ate and when you ate. At first you will want to also write down whether you felt you ate too much, too little, or just the right amount. Go to and you can download for free (but it’s copyrighted so don’t sell it!) the daily journals to keep track of what and when you are eating. Remember: Write down your daily eating as a way to educate yourself about you, not as a way to be accountable.

Do NOT Be Accountable to Anyone!

You do not need to be accountable to anyone, doing so will backfire and make you want to just quit. Don’t even be accountable to yourself, you may just feel disappointed. Instead when you are hungry look to what you last ate and when and learn from your notes. Did you not pick the right amount of foods, did you not eat enough, or maybe more time has passed than you thought and it makes perfect sense that you are hungry now! Writing down when and what you ate is for your education not to be accountable.

What to Eat?

Enjoy what you eat at all times, that being said learn the nutrients of all the foods that you love and want to incorporate into your daily diet. Oh by the way the word “Diet” has as its 2nd definition in the Merriam Webster dictionary—daily nourishment. I love that definition of diet, we all need daily nourishment. On page 47 of TimerDiet I discuss, Explaining the Ratios, in great detail. For now I will give you the quick and easy way to look at foods. Forget everything you have ever been told about grams equaling calories and how dietary fat has different values from protein and carbohydrates…this is all too complicated! Consider each gram of equal status and then try to keep to this motto: No more than double, no less than half. So if you have 10 grams of dietary fat you would want to have no more than 20 grams of protein and/or carbohydrates. Alternatively, no less than half—so no less than 5 grams of protein and/or carbohydrates. Which gives you a lot of leeway for getting the ratios using the TimerDiet method!

Give it a try and see and write down how you feel!!

Sherri Sue Fisher, author of TimerDiet and recently released TimerOrganizer

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Thanks for sharing your comments. I can't wait to read them! Sherri Sue Fisher